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In this blog you can publish all the articles and essays that you write in the activities proposed in the Language Lab.
The idea is to make your ideas public in order to share them with your colleagues. We are looking forward to reading your contributions! Let´s start!

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

London at the time

London in the 18th century was the period where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the times. There was an economical increase in London due to the industrial revolution. The society was divided in different social clases. The poor class had the worst living conditions, they had to live in poor houses with rats and dirtiness. It was very hard to live in this conditions, however the aristochratic families and tne rich people lived like kings, they lived i houses that seemed mansions with lot of people working for them. The rich people only stayed in touch with people who had the same economic class and they left poor people behind.

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