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In this blog you can publish all the articles and essays that you write in the activities proposed in the Language Lab.
The idea is to make your ideas public in order to share them with your colleagues. We are looking forward to reading your contributions! Let´s start!

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Oliver Twist is a film based on an orphan child.
It perfectly reflects the extreme situations that have to suffer the orphan people, however many people, normally the rich ones, bought some them and then their life’s situations changed completely. In Oliver Twist’s case, he became a rich child and started living a new way of life. He used to read under the trees, play every time outside…
In fact, in those days there weren’t as good conditions of health as now. Many people were poor and only a few could do more things than the other ones.
There were different social classes like the privileged people and the non-privileged.  

We think that this film shows us the real situation in those days. We enjoy it a lot.

Nerea Sierra;Àngel Lafuente

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist is a film about one orphan child. The film reflects the orphan’s live and the critical situation that they live.
In the orphanages the every day life is very difficult and in some cases it is impossible the children of the orphanages don’t eat correctly and they are battered.
The rich people bought children from the orphanage and they made these children work to take profits.
Our opinion is: These children sometimes find a new opportunity in the orphanages. When other people adopt them but in some cases these children have a very bat live, and they are battered.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Oliver Twist

This story explains of the life of a woman who has a son in a hospital.
The mother was so poor and she died in when she gave birth child. The owner of the hospital stays with the child and called him Oliver Twist.

One day the owner of the hospital brought Oliver to a family funeral. Then, he went London where he met as a band of thieves released by an old man, who accepts Oliver in the band.

When Oliver and his band had to steal the hank chief but did not blame he was lucky and was not taken to police station and rescue the old hand on the beat.

Oliver  falls ill and  Mrs.Bedwin takes care of  him until  he because  there is  someone who loves him.
Finally Mr.Browlow adopts Oliver Twist.

Personal Opinion:
Our opinion is, that film is so dadly because all the time, the protagonist, is suffering and we don't like it. We prefer the comedy films, romantic, action films ...    

Enric Martí, Joan SB, Marina Revilla, Nacho Rincón

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

We think that this film is good, more or less. But, when you've seen it more than one time, it starts to be boring, because it isn't interesting enough. The film is very famous around the world and everybody have seen it. The film sometimes becomes boring but the plot of the film is good. It is about a poor boy who is exploited. We had already seen the film and now we've seen it again. We like this film becuase it is a drama. To watch this film in the class makes you become tired because when we see the film, we feel sad. The actor that performing a oliver is good.

Aida Yuste, Anna Aguilà, Mar Llasera

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011


That boy is an orphan and he lives in an orphanage where they give him a little dish of soup and he can’t ask for more. One day he has to ask for more, and they try to hit him. Then, he escapes on goes to London on foot. When he arrives, he meets a group of thieves and they take him. One day, some people find them stealing and the police catch Oliver Twist and take him to another house. One of the thieves (a woman) pretends to be Oliver’s sister and tries to find him.
That is the part of the film we have seen.

Gemma Oró, Carina Oliva, Ricard Quevedo


Oliver twist is a boy who lives in an orphanage. Oliver goes to live in another house. In this house he meets thieves, and these thieves teach him to steal money and other things of rich people from London. One day two thieves who are children go to steal a man. That man things that Oliver Twist is stealing him, but he is innocent because the thieves are the other two boys, but the policeman follows at Oliver Twist and arrest him.
In the court Oliver thought he would lose the trial. Then the police defense another person then it appears one witness who defenses Oliver.
This is our description.

Gemma Oró, Carina Oliva, Ricard Quevedo

Oliver Twist

“Please sir, I want some more”. This is what Oliver said to the managers of his orphanage. They sold him. This scene shows how cruel were people then. If an orphan without anybody able to take care of him goes to an orphanage, it would be normal to think that they were going to take care of him like his family, but in Oliver Twist’s orphanage they didn’t think like that.
Children there had no food, and their managers had plenty of it. This is really bad, because children have to have a good infancy and need someone caring for them. This film is acclimated lots of years ago, when behaving like that was normal, “Oliver Twist” shows people this, in order that it happens anymore.

Marta  Bertrand, Marc Luque i Mariona Cartanyà. 3r ESO-C

Introduction of Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

Oliver is an orphan, and he is brought to an orphanate. There he had very bad living conditions. One day, he asked for more food, and the boss of the orphanate sells him to a funerary man. But he escapes, and decides to go to London.

There he met a band of thieves, and stars working with them.
Some days later, his friends steal one man saw them and the police couch Oliver. In the trial, the man, who saw the robbery, said that Oliver didn’t steal anything, and he adopted him in his house.

Since this moment happened a lot of interesting things but we don’t tell you what happened and the finally of the history because if we explain how continues and finish you don’t enjoy the film.

  Arnau Rué  
Janira Rodríguez

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Oliver Twist description.

Oliver Twist is a poor orphan. He is 9 years old. His eyes are blue and his hair is a mix of blond and brown. He has got small features (the mouth, the nose and also the ears) and he is too thin and small to be the age he is.
He wears poor and ugly clothes because he hasn't got money. All the clothes he can wear are from the rubbish bins he finds or from some people who give clothes to him. Sometimes, Oliver wears a beret and goes barefoot. He is a good boy, his carachter is quiet and he is clever, too. He always do the tings that he thinks are good for the people around him, and he hates the people who talks badly about his parents.

Jenny Clavero Peña, Maria Manen Prades

Oliver twist

A boy who is nine years old is left in an orphanage without father or mother. There are lots of slaved children who must eat and survive. Then he runs away because he wants to eat well and live better. Two days later, Oliver goes to a house where he thinks he is going to be ok there, but he is a slave again, and he escapes. Two days later, the boy goes to London walking. He walks for a lot of days and he becomes very tired, but finally he arrives in London. In this city he meets one boy who is a thief.

This film is very slow and we don’t like it because, we like action films and adventure films, and we put a 6 because this film is very beautiful but it is very boring.

Xavier Sabaté
Albert Chic

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist is an orphan. The mother died when he is a little boy. He lives in the orphanage in England. In the Orphanage the children work untying ropes. At dinner time the children are hungry. The menu of the lunch and the dinner is soup and bread. In order to ask for more food during the dinner, they put some different size threads in a bag and the boy who took the shortest thread lost the bet.
The purpose was to say to the cooker “I want some more” in the next dinner.
The boss of the orphanage sold Oliver to a gravedigger, but Oliver escaped because he fought against the other boy.
Oliver slept on the street because he didn’t have a house or money. One boy said to Oliver to go with him and his colleagues. Oliver accepted and went with the boy. But in this “family”, they are thieves, because the boss of this family takes orphan boys and teach them how to steal.

Belén Ródenas i Santi Garcia

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Oliver Twist

Oliver's film starts with his life. Oliver is an orphan boy when arrived at a orphanage they made him to work with a rope. The next day, all the orphan boys did a raffle, and oliver was the loser and then at lunch he had to say: ''I want so more'', because all the orphans boys were afraid of say this.
But has the smollest rope and he had to say it, because all of then were very hungry. Then, the bosses of the orphanage hit him and they didn't wait a him to stay in the orphanage and they sold him for 5 pounds for this act.

A sweeper wan wanted to buy him and the judge was so sorry with Oliver and he look him to another family of grave diggers.
Oliver lived very good, and one day a friend of the family talked bad about Oliver's mother and he hit him to talk bad of his mother. The Oliver's family closed Oliver's at a seller, at he moment. The next day the father hit Oliver but he didn't want to do it but he did it.

Maria Tresanchez i Ruben Larruy.    4th ESO A


The film starts with the life of Oliver Twist (an orphan) in a workhouse.
In a raffle with the orphans, Oliver loses it and have to say in the lunch:
I want so more!”
Next, the bosses of the workhouse, for this act, sell Oliver for 5 pounds. A swaper wants tot buy Oliver and the judge was sorry with Oliver, and he took him to another family if grave diggers.
He lives so good, and one day one friend of this family talks badly about his mother, and Oliver hits him for saying that.
This family closes him in a celler. Next, the father of the family hits Oliver, but he doesn't want him.

Oriol Luque and Alba Vall-llebrera